Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Not 247 lbs, but definitely a vegan athlete!

Hey, check out this awesome interview with a real professional vegan athlete, our own (soon to post here, I hope) Christine Vardaros!  Click here to see the interview on CTodd.  Christine, or "Peanut," talks about how she got her nickname, how she got into bike racing & cyclocross, and how her vegan diet helps her recover from workouts faster than her meat-eating counterparts.  

Plus, she shows us what's in her fridge!  (Am I the only weirdo who loves to see in people's fridges?  A few months ago, one of the tri magazines had a feature in which they posted pictures of Desiree Ficker's fridge and I was beside myself—it wasn't vegan, but it was actually pretty close!)


tim said...

cool interview.

Crystal said...

i loved it!! so good. :o)